- Name: Gsc glass ltd.
- Phone: +91 (120) 4889000
- Email: gsc@gscglass.com
- Company Name: G S C GLASS LTD.
- Country: India
- State: Uttar pradesh
- City: Greater noida
- Company Address: 5 & 7, Udyog Vihar – 201306
- Company Email: gsc@gscglass.com
- Website: http://www.gscglass.com/contact-us/
- Established Date: 0000-00-00
- Business Nature: Manufacturers
- About Us: GSC has been into architectural glass processing since 1978 and is a technically strong company owned by a family of engineers with four generations of working experience with glass. We are pioneers and industry leaders in the field of glass supply, design and solutions in India and a one stop shop for all glass needs. We have the widest range of glass processing facilities using the most modern high tech machines and equipments at our factories located at Greater Noida and Mumbai. We manufacture complete range of stainless steel fittings, spiders and connectors for the glass. Our Aluminum Windows division enables us to offer complete jobs for building envelop.
- Other Information: GSC is a trade & industry leader in its field and is actively associated with almost all active associations namely :